+919719478380 Sheelubhai935@gmail.com

About Us

About Our Company

Welcome to Sumit Chair and sofa repair, If you are not comfortable repairing your furniture yourself, you can always hire a professional. There are many companies that specialize in furniture repair and restoration. They have the expertise and equipment needed to get your furniture looking like new again.
In conclusion, repairing your chairs and sofas is a great way to save money and extend their lifespan. Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, it’s an investment that’s worth making.

When it comes to repairing your furniture, there are several things you can do to ensure that it lasts longer. One of the most important things is to keep it clean. Dirt and dust can cause damage over time, so make sure you vacuum your furniture regularly. Sumit Chair and Sofa Repair provide the best chair and sofa repair service in Greater Noida. You call us for any inquiry.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of repairing a sofa or chair depends on the extent of the damage and the type of repair required. It’s best to get an estimate from a professional repair service

The time required to repair a sofa or chair depends on the extent of the damage and the type of repair required. It’s best to get an estimate from a professional repair service.

Most types of damage can be repaired, including broken frames, sagging seats, damaged springs, and torn fabric. However, it’s best to get an estimate from a professional repair service to determine if your furniture is worth repairing2

It’s recommended to have your furniture professionally cleaned every 12-24 months depending on usage.


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